WordPress or SquareSpace?

wordspaceWe get asked this question a lot, why should I use WordPress over SquareSpace?

It's a good and valid question.

SquareSpace is a free publishing platform that quickly and easily lets you create very pretty looking websites.

WordPress is a powerful and flexible solution that requires some technical knowledge and investment in time to make a nice website.

We get a lot of clients coming to us asking for help migrating from SquareSpace to WordPress.


Because SquareSpace is very good at what it does....but that's it. If you want it to do something that it can't....tough. If you want to heavily optimise for SEO it's hard. If you don't have access to lots of high quality imagery to work with the templates....it's hard.

For this reason a lot of people outgrow their SquareSpace sites quite quickly and need to move to a platform that is more flexible, customisable and can be easily optimised for conversion and search.

If you need a quick way to get a very nice looking website up online and have little technical skill then SquareSpace is an excellent option. It has a large range of very nice templates to choose from and uses a drag and drop concept for building your site. It also has excellent support if you get stuck. Just make sure it does what you need it to do now and also in the future as you may hit a brick wall and be faced with starting again.

If you have specific plans for your site and are concerned about search ranking, performance optimisation and being able to work on conversion optimisation I would say WordPress is a better fit for you moving forward. We can help source a suitable theme for you and help you get it setup, or create a beautiful custom theme specific to your needs.

Check out this great article that goes into detail about the two platforms, the pro's and con's and which one is best suited for your needs http://winningwp.com/squarespace-vs-wordpress/

Need help transitioning from SquareSpace?

If you would like to discuss moving from SquareSpace to WordPress or would like to discuss which platform is best for you then please give us a call on (02) 8097 7957 or contact us online.
